The Best Strategy How To Face Job Interview

28 Jun

The Best Strategy How to Face Job Interview

Interview is an important session for all job seekers because this section will determine whether you get the job or not. Many job seekers are stressed when faced the interview. As the result they fail in this session and lose the job. Nevertheless, if we prepare our job interview well, we will pass this session and get the job. On this occasion, the author will discuss some strategies in dealing with job interview. There are three stages that should you prepare for a job interview that is, before the interview, at the interview and after the inteview day. Here are those strategies in a job interview that I will discuss one by one:

Before the interview

This stage is very important. You can prepare yourself ahead of time so you can overcome the interview well. The following are strategies that you should know:

1. Understanding and practicing

Try to understand and practice the common questions which are asked during the interview. There are some common questions asked in the interview which you can find in various sources. Takes for example the question "describe yourself?" You can train yourself to describe it clearly and briefly. Remember don't describe it too long and redundant because they've certainly holds your CV. Tell them about your educational background, work experience and your achievement briefly. By preparing the answers it will make you fluent in answering the questions during job interview.

2. Get imformation about the company

Commonly, the interviewers will ask you about what you know about the company. Therefore, to anticipate that questions. You should search information about the company such as the company's motto, field and other.

3. Sleem enough

By having a sleep well, it makes your body and mind become fresh. As the result, you can be fresh and healthy in facing the job interview. Don't forget to prepare anything that must be bring and use for tomorrow.

On the interview

This is the most crucial stage for you. It can determine whether you will get that job or not. Here are things you should do at the interview.

1. Dress well

Make sure that you get dress neatly when going for an interview. You also need to tidy up your hair. If you are women get dress politely and use make-up appropriately. You have to pay attention to your apprearance because the first impression is very important. Give a good first impression for your prospective boss.

2. Be on time

Remember! Do not be late for your interview. Try to arrive in time. If you are late it will reduce your assessment by your prospective boss.

3. Greet warmly

When you are going to be interviewed give a warm greeting and a smile to the interviewer. It will indicate that you are friendly person. Create a warm atmosphere when you are interviewed so that the interview will run conducive. Try to keep your eye contact to your prospective boss because it will signify your interest in that job.

4. Listen, respond and relax

When you are being interviewed, listen to the interviewer carefully. Give respond by nodding your head and using proper body language. By providing a good respond, interviewer will assume that you are the one who have good concentration and easily to understand. Be relax don't get a nervous. Take a deep breath and be calm during the interview.

5. Be energetic but don't be desperate

Be energetic in answering the questions. Try to answer the questions clearly and with high enthusiasm. But do not be desperate. Do not act as if this job is the only one that you expect. In other words, keep your values. You want the job but don't pleading to the interviewer.

6. Do not insult your former boss

Do not tell your personal problems with your former boss although you have a bad relationship with your former boss. Commonly your prospective boss will ask you what you do not like on your former boss and why you quit your job. Instead of humiliating your former boss you better answer that you are looking for a new challenge to develop your skills. By insulting your boss, it will give a bad judgement for you by your prospective boss.

7. Ask for clarity

After having an interview, ask for clarity to your prospective boss about will they make a decision, when and where you will get the information. By knowing it, you will know what you should do for the next step.

After the interview

Do not forget this step because this step is quite important for you. It will add your value in your prospective boss's assessment.

  • 28 Jun, 2018
  • 168Solution Public Class

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