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05 May

7 Ways to Create a Great Customer Experience Strategy

Let’s take a look at seven ways to create a great customer experience strategy to help you improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn and increase revenues.1. Create a clear customer experience visionThe first step in your customer experience strategy is to have a clear customer-focused vision that you can communicate with your organization. The easiest way to define this vision is to create a set of statements that act as guiding principles.For example, Zappos use their Zappos core...

  • 05 May, 2019
  • 168Solution Public Class
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04 May

Why you need to understand the Importance of Social Media

Let’s face it, it’s 2019 and we all have a pretty good understanding of social media and how it works, right? But what if I told you that Twitter has 6 different forms of communication networks or that Facebook is most active on Fridays, do you still think that you’re a social media guru?Allow us to illustrate the true importance of social media marketing and the online marketing services we offer to ensure you stay on top of your game. We value the importance of social media...

  • 04 May, 2019
  • 168Solution Public Class
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02 May

8 Perbedaan Utama dari Internet dan Intranet

Perbedaan internet dan intranet – Masih banyak orang yang menganggap bahwa internet dan intranet itu sama saja. Ada juga yang masih bingung dimana letak perbedaannya. Perbedaan yang paling mendasar dari keduanya adalah siapa yang bisa mengaksesnya.Internet bisa diakses siapa saja sedangkan intranet hanya bisa diakses oleh beberapa user yang sudah lolos verifikasi. Berikut ini perbedaan-perbedaan utama antara internet dan intranet. 1.  Internet menghubungkan berbagai jaringan...

  • 02 May, 2019
  • 168Solution Public Class
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21 Apr

Top 10 In-Demand Customer Service Soft Skills

The customer service industry requires employees to have a number of soft—or interpersonal—skills. Whether you interact with customers in person, on the phone, or via email or online chat, it's important that you believe able to relate to them on a human level and that they feel as if they are interacting with someone who genuinely cares and wants to solve the problem.

  • 21 Apr, 2019
  • 168Solution Public Class
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20 Apr

13 Types of Social Media Platforms and Counting

When we talk to people about social media marketing, the overwhelming majority of people only think about Facebook. They think social media equals Facebook. Although that makes sense given the ubiquity and widespread adoption of this social network, it is NOT the only lemonade stand on the block! Social media has proliferated and evolved into many new shapes and forms and there might be some hidden gems waiting for you and your business.So what is social media?Since the term “social...

  • 20 Apr, 2019
  • 168Solution Public Class
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